Dee Doo Limited recognises that as a company our business has a direct or indirect impact on the local, regional and global environment. We are committed to minimising our negative impacts and acting in a sustainable way, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
We have taken steps to reduce our environmental impact and encourage our customers and clients to do so as well.
Waste Reduction:
We try to eliminate waste at source and some of the ways we do this is:
- The use of electronic communications – unless our customers request otherwise. This saves on both paper and also carbon miles for postage
- It is company policy that any document that does need to be printed is done where possible in draft format to use the as little waste ink as possible
- We reuse paper where possible
We recycle whenever possible.
- At the end of its practical life all equipment is refurbished or used as parts.
- Any staff working from home and utilise the recycling schemes implemented by their local council.
Like all businesses our purchasing decisions are influenced by cost, however this by no means our only consideration. We make a conscious effort to ensure we are buying from sustainable sources, which are local if possible.
- All the paper we use in our printing comes from FSC sources as a minimum
- All our packaging boxes are 100% recycled material and we try and use packing material that is biodegradable
- Wherever possible we try and purchase goods and services locally, to help the local economy and to reduce carbon miles.
- We have equipment serviced rather than replacing with newer equipment.
We have undertaken a commitment to make our travel as green as possible,
- Whenever possible all members of staff work from home
- We actively encourage car sharing with flexible working
- Although we enjoy meeting our customers face to face this is not always necessary
- Whenever travel is required staff use public transport whenever practical.
Energy Usage:
We are very conscious of of energy and water usage.
- We are careful to switch off equipment at night, rather than maintain on standby.
- We switch off lights when they are not in use.
- We use natural daylight as much as possible
The Future
We are always looking to improve and we are open to any feedback or suggestions you may have.